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Our Story and Mission
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Independent Publisher

May 2012 Cindy Zablockis started CZ Publishing, LLC so she could self-publish her debut novel Zeuorian Awakening. Since then she had published several short stories as part of the series. It wasn't until 2015 did she decide to convert one of her stories into an interactive mobile app. She felt the story would be best experienced through multi-media a combination of sound, imagery and interactions.
During discussion with potential app developers for her book, they mentioned other clients with similar needs, but they didn't have the experience or infrastructure to offer full service app publishing including editing, design and marketing. So they created a partnership under the company name CZ Publishing, expanding the product offering to include interactive books for desktop and mobile devices.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create EMOTIONAL, BEAUTIFUL &; AMAZING EXPERIENCES through words, pictures, sound and interactions that all ages of audiences can enjoy.

What you should expect from our published material:

  • Well-crafted
  • Creative
  • Innovative
  • Educational
  • User Tested
  • Most of all Entertaining

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